The year 2020 has been quite the roller coaster ride. I’d say being dairy farmers who are used to ups and downs may have given us a little better handle on how to deal with this crazy year, but it...
For many of us, the last Friday the 13th (back in March) was the last normal day we had, and the first day we realized how serious this pandemic really was
We can all agree that the angry animal activists are the worst, right? They don’t just comment on one post and move on, they ask their friends to attack, too
We all know that politics is a sensitive subject. Once you say your opinion or post it online, you will have people that agree and people that disagree
Managing the why and not the people is the key differentiator between many businesses. Oftentimes, people have the opposite in place because it seems easier at first
I wrote this post on the eve of Election Day. I don't really want to talk about politics, and I'm not going to divulge who I plan to vote for. That is not the point
‘Tis the season for rambling posts and general unfriendliness on account of political views. As election day grows closer, I am reminded of 2016 and the massive fallouts of that November
I just want to start this by saying that I hate politics for so many reasons. I hate how politicians give off the air of being superior to the rest of us when they technically work for us
The dairy industry enjoys a rich history full of value and innovation. When those two attributes are joined together, it brings accessible nutrition to people who need it
When speaking with farmers, many times I learn they haven't seen the social media posts or advertisements being placed by their national and local checkoffs
As many of you know, we switched to a robotic milking system last November. When we made the change, we had a pretty good idea of how things would go initially